9 thoughts on “Cupquake weekly

  1. So you’re the first to find my new blog. It’s not finished yet so I was hoping to wait a while before I announced it but someone already was nosy. Oh well. I hope you like. Hopefully it will attract others besides survivalcraft players.

    1. ??? New blog??? About what? Where? I DONT REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT A NEW BLOG!!!! ARE YOU LEAVING???? DONT LEAVE! Go to hermitcrabhelper.wordpress.com INSTEAD!!! And comment!

  2. Okay I’m coming over here and not going near that demon possessed post just okay answer my question what should I get platinum or pearl.

  3. Yeah pearl could be good but it’s just well palkia was my first favorite gen 4 pokemon then I happen to learn about giratina then I’m like sweet two forms. I got it I should get both.

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